What We Do

AMERICAN SYSTEMS offers a suite of proven Strategic Solutions in response to our customers’ requirements. 经过四十年的考验和真实经验的磨练, our Solutions are delivered through our proprietary Service Delivery Framework—Mission-Engaged Resources Geared for the Enterprise—or MERGE.  


Our Methodology - MERGE


We apply our Mission-Engaged Resources Geared for the Enterprise (MERGE) Service Delivery Framework to ensure our Strategic Solutions enhance and improve the mission-focused value chains of our customers.


Information Technology Request Additional Information

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行提供端到端的IT工程生命周期服务,包括设计, development, security, integration, operation, and maintenance. 


Enterprise Architecture

We provide capability planning, technology strategies, blueprints and investment roadmaps, application portfolio planning, and technology reference models.

Information and Data Management

我们提供以数据为中心的业务和技术服务,专注于数据科学和信息共享. 这包括利用大数据开发解决方案的专业知识, Business Intelligence, information exchanges, data warehouses, data mining, knowledge discovery and Data Analytics.

Systems Integration, Application & Mobile Development

我们提供企业功能来支持软件架构, legacy systems migration, application and mobile development, mobile-first UX design, 508 compliance, software engineering, interoperability & 集成,ERP和GOTS/COTS集成,质量配置管理.

Unified Communications

我们集成了即时通讯等实时企业通信服务, presence information, voice (including IP telephony), mobility features, audio, web and video conferencing, fixedmobile convergence (FMC), desktop sharing, data sharing, call control and speech recognition with non-real-time communication services such as unified messaging.

Cloud Computing

我们为私营企业提供合规的企业服务, public, and hybrid cloud solutions, 以及基础设施即服务(IaaS), Platform as a Service (Paas), and Software as a Service (SaaS). We provide virtual, elastic, 可伸缩的托管IT服务以及应用程序托管和迁移最佳实践.

Information Security

我们处理不断发展的威胁和对企业系统的未经授权的访问, networks, applications, 和数据通过集成技术, approaches, 以及网络安全和信息保障的最佳实践. 我们的解决方案旨在防止网络恐怖主义、网络间谍活动和网络战争.


我们提供分层客户支持服务, incident management, 服务请求包括桌面管理, break-fix, 以及为企业最终用户提供的部署服务.



Engineering and Analysis Request Additional Information

We deliver to our customers Research & Development (R&D) and Science & Technology (S&T) capabilities, engineering expertise, and subject matter experts who apply scientific analytical principles and processes to design and develop system solutions.

Systems Design and Development

We provide Analysis, Requirement & 规范开发和系统设计文档.

Reverse Engineering/Forensic Analysis



我们设计,原型,演示,或开发和集成新的技术解决方案. Our experts identify and demonstrate new technologies and recommendations for implementation in support of reducing costs, improving productivity, or reducing non-productive processes.

Research and Analysis

We find necessary data and artifacts to support a requirement and apply data to determine possible outcomes.

Operational Analysis and Support




Program Mission Support Request Additional Information

We provide programmatic, engineering and logistics solutions necessary to support major systems acquisition through all phases from material solutions analysis to technology development, 生产和部署(初始操作能力——IOC), to operations support and sustainment (Full Operational Capability – FOC) to maximize system effectiveness.

Program Management

We provide quality support to DoD/Agency acquisition programs at all levels requiring knowledge and experience in the acquisition lifecycle, 包括获取前的定义和需求的能力集成, 采办项目管理理念, 系统采购的政策和程序, subsystems, and lifecycle acquisition management.

Engineering Support

我们提供的工程支持服务包括:系统工程, engineering and technical support; resources for requirements definition and threat analysis; security assessments; trade-off and feasibility studies; design, development, testing, installation, investigation, 技术文档的创建和验证, plans, and drawings related to technical management concepts; and performance, compatibility, interoperability, interface, and operational evaluations.

Configuration Management (CM)

We know that complex acquisition programs require extensive attention to detail in the area of configuration management. We apply sound program practices to establish and maintain consistency of a product’s or system’s attributes with its requirements and evolving technical baseline over its life.

Test and Trial Support

We manage product testing, to include reviewing and creating test standards and specifications; developing Test Evaluation Management Plans, scheduling, identifying necessary assessors, arranging external services, 并为性能捏造阈值. We further analyze outcomes and develop cogent reports for decision-makers based on test results and recommendations. We manage products from Initial Operational Capability to operations support and sustainment at Full Operational Capability.

Technology Insertion and Management

我们提供技术改进的认知,并分析其对产品的价值. This includes incorporating form, 针对成本和可持续性因素的适配性和功能改进和/或变更.

Financial Management

我们管理与给定产品/项目相关的成本. 这包括在公认的行业标准下进行全面的财务核算和跟踪. 总成本会计必须包括跟踪购置, labor, sustainability, 生命周期和总所有权成本与预算措施和/或利润目标的对比.

Lifecycle Management

我们提供完整的生命周期管理功能, to include planning, operator training management, logistics support, in-service engineering, 新技术与现代化的协调, 施工后维修援助, repair and overhaul, configuration management, 在长期精心策划的项目上进行报废管理,以实现生命周期成本的降低.



Test and Evaluation Request Additional Information

We provide our customers with Test and Evaluation expertise to support 独立验证与确认(四&V); Developmental Test & Evaluation (DT&E); Operational Test & Evaluation (OT&E); Interoperability Test & Evaluation; and support to Test Policy and Oversight to deliver credible qualitative and quantitative data on the capabilities and limitations of the system under test, and the risks affecting system cost, development schedule and performance.


Our IV&V solution provides management with an independent perspective on project activities and promotes early detection of project/product variances and covers the entire spectrum of analyses including the operational environment, hardware, software, interfacing applications, documentation, operators, 和用户确保产品设计精良, 并正在按照客户要求进行开发.

Developmental Test & Evaluation (DT&E)

Our DT&E solution verifies that the system’s design is satisfactory and that all technical specifications and contract requirements have been met. Sometimes called Technical Testing, DT&E通常由项目办公室赞助,也可以由政府进行, the contractor, or a mix of both.

Operational Test & Evaluation (OT&E)

OT&E usually follows DT&E and validates that the system under test can effectively execute its mission in a realistic operational environment when operated by typical operators against representative threats. The difference between DT&E and OT&E is that DT&E验证系统是按照规范和合同正确构建的, and OT&E validates that the system can successfully accomplish its mission is a realistic operational environment.

Interoperability Testing

互操作性测试通常跨越DT&E and OT&E,并依赖于由不同组织进行的多个测试事件. The amount and type of testing will vary based on characteristics of the system being evaluated with the ultimate goal of being certified by the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC is the ONLY organization that can certify interoperability). With the new acquisition strategies, such as spiral and agile development, testers are involved earlier; this helps the JITC collect information and data to reduce risk and time required for interoperability certification and operational testing or assessments.

Test Policy and Oversight

Our world-class team supports numerous DoD programs with Test Policy and Oversight to accomplish their missions. The Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) is the principal staff assistant and senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense on operational test and evaluation (OT&E) in the DoD. DOT&E is responsible for issuing DoD OT&E policy and procedures; reviewing and analyzing the results of OT&E conducted for each major DoD acquisition program; providing independent assessments for the Secretary of Defense, 负责采办的国防部副部长, Technology and Logistics (USD(AT&L)); and Congress; making budgetary and financial recommendations to the SecDef regarding OT&E; and overseeing major DoD acquisition programs to ensure OT&E is adequate to confirm the operational effectiveness and suitability of the defense system in combat use.



We provide our clients with live, virtual, 和/或建设性(LVC)培训和培训解决方案的开发, measure, 确保世界各地的任务准备就绪.


我们在课堂设置中提供现场讲师培训, 包括课堂管理的各个方面, scheduling, 用于学习的评估工具和设备.

Virtual Training

We provide live, 以远程讲师为基础的各种远程视频设置培训, 包括课堂管理的各个方面, scheduling, 用于学习的评估工具和设备.

Modeling and Simulation (M&S)

Our M&S培训解决方案使用模型-物理, mathematical, 或者系统的逻辑表示, entity, phenomenon, or process – as a basis for simulations – to develop data as a basis for managerial or technical decision making.


We provide a mode of instruction that includes monitoring “trainee” activities and providing on-the-spot or follow-up correction. 我们还提供“桌面”培训或积极的一对一现场培训, 哪一个对质量评审后的再认证或补救/纠正培训有用.

Computer-Based Training (CBT)

我们在许多电子平台(笔记本电脑)上提供数字教学, desktop, kiosk, tablet, or mobile). Our expertise includes the planning, design, development, testing, deployment, 维护和修改计算机学习解决方案.

Instructional Systems Design (ISD)

Instructional Systems Design is a method of creating “instructional experiences" that makes the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing. 这个过程大致包括确定学习者的状态和需求, defining the end goal of instruction, 并创造一些“干预”来帮助过渡.

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